Falling Into The World | Teen Ink

Falling Into The World

September 17, 2014
By Violetshadepoetry SILVER, Chino Hills, California
Violetshadepoetry SILVER, Chino Hills, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all." Emily Dickinson

Using secret keys
To unlock the doors
No one else can see
Leading to a world
That spins a little differently


Like Alice in the looking glass
Feeling lost, a little dazed
When did the moon shine like brass?
Where is the time ticking away?
How did this all come to pass?


Question questions with no answers
A melody is singing out
People crowding, all of them dancers
Calling to the sky in wonder
Entranced by the impassioned lancers


Holding tightly to the ring
Of keys that led to this new day
Filled with events yet to bring
Revelation to the minds unseen
In this opposite view of things

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