Night Riding | Teen Ink

Night Riding

June 23, 2014
By TheMermaidA BRONZE, Divide, Colorado
TheMermaidA BRONZE, Divide, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I drown further into my thoughts of smite.
As I'm drug under, I rise like the tide.
My mind, my body, breaking down - I tried.
Will I ever manage to win this fight?
I am on my own tonight of all nights.
Will I be the one to go run and hide?
I believe it is time to take a ride.
Tonight I make a choice to be the light.
In the dark sky, I know I'm a fierce star.
I'm feeling what it's like to be alive.
The great rush, the weight lifted, the release.
My thoughts slowly drain as we venture far.
With each breath of fresh air, I'm free, I thrive.
Trees, stars, warm air, cool night - finally at peace.

The author's comments:
4-wheeling at night is one of my most favorite things in the world to do!

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