A Sonnet Of Life | Teen Ink

A Sonnet Of Life

May 23, 2014
By Gwenhwyfar BRONZE, Dayton, Minnesota
Gwenhwyfar BRONZE, Dayton, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We should take a moment and hold it and know that life has a hopeful undertone."
-twenty l one l pilots

An entwined group of cringing dysfunction
Where no one can find their own fitting place
You find yourself fighting this compunction
Just trying to make it through this routine race

The hours grow long in this hopeless battle
You feel no urge to join the next sunrise
For your mind won’t cease this unending rattle
There seems no hope on which your life relies

As the morning breaks, you feel a breakthrough
A new outlook on life you gain today
For this morning has made your mind anew
A brand new feeling has brightened your way

With the lightest heart, joy, and laughter
You feel you may find your ever after

The author's comments:
This is a sonnet about how life can seriously suck, but each day is a new day. Keep your head up and keep chugging along the train track of life.

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