Love Has Its Ways | Teen Ink

Love Has Its Ways

May 9, 2014
By Keith Campbell GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
Keith Campbell GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Someday I know that love will find a way,
To teach me things I cannot know right now.
I hope when she arrives that she will stay,
For I will give her all; my solemn vow.
She doesn’t have to be a queen for me,
Through thick and thin I will always be there.
Someday I hope I will be on one knee,
I know that day she will be unaware.
I want to spend my life with that one girl,
I promise our life will bring us joy.
She spins my life, I’m caught up in her whirl,
Someday we may produce a little boy.
Though others say were an unlikely pair,
One day she will realize how much I care.

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