Love At Last | Teen Ink

Love At Last

April 27, 2014
By Alonndra BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
Alonndra BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Nothing in this world lasts eternally,
Love may bring life to a hopeless soul,
Till that moment when you look internally,
Do you feel like two become a whole.
The feeling is a reason to adore
They say "Love is patient" yet it won't wait,
Seductiveness always allures you in more,
For all you can know God has given you fate.
Love will cause commotion even when mute,
Tears will be shed leaving uncertainty,
Go separate ways yet back on the route,
Remember love won't always come harmlessly.
Even though love is taken with much pain,
Once it's found, one has even more to gain.

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