Love will Remember | Teen Ink

Love will Remember

April 4, 2014
By myriam97 BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
myriam97 BRONZE, Liberal, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in lack of communication skills.

It takes two for a relationship.

In order to attract the other you do anything possible to have them.

You both are the happiest you can be.

No conflicts.

No restrictions.

Feelings begin to grow.
The jealousy starts settling in.
One day you see yourself assuming.
You want that person for yourself only.
The jealousy takes over, and the fights begin.
Others are jealous of what you have.
Others can’t stand to see you happy.
The rumors begin.
He said, she said.
But is it true?
You believe in what is said, and add on to your assumptions.
The fights are only getting worse.
But yet no one has spoken to the other about the situation.
One day you find yourself tired of the rumors and you two are over.
Things are still left unsaid.

The author's comments:
my broken relationship

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