On Cellos | Teen Ink

On Cellos

March 17, 2014
By kaytrah SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
kaytrah SILVER, St. Louis, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
we're all carried along by the river of dreams. billy joel.

Notes resonate deep within me;
it's a blessing to be so full,
and still so hollow.
It leaves room for appreciation,
for resonation,
for resolution.
Perfect vision has nothing to do
with your eyes,
and everything to do
with your heart.
When you can let yourself
swim in the sea of time,
and let yourself
fall into a movement,
you, in turn, become
that sea,
that movement,
that thing beyond all
written word and
spoken language.
Majestic and graceful,
a piece of art yourself.
So full,
so hollow.

The author's comments:
for scott

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