Dreaming of Adventure | Teen Ink

Dreaming of Adventure

February 20, 2014
By lilypel99 BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
lilypel99 BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With my day to day routine,
life seems to be a bore.
So I often dream of things I've seen
and what I've read before.

When I open my mind
to thoughts of great adventure,
I realize people are often blind
to the amazing things life has to offer.

I picture myself on golden sands,
the aqua water gently rolling at a slant,
or holding the reins in my hands
while perched high upon an elephant.

Some think these goals aren't time well spent,
but I want to live life to it’s full extent.

The author's comments:
Sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in the life I'm currently living. Every day is the same, and I feel stifled and without progress by the school system. I'm currently in the process of looking for and applying to travel programs that take place during the school year. I've yet to find the perfect way to break free and do what I love, but in the mean time I'm imagining all the possibilities.

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