Writing | Teen Ink


January 8, 2014
By Bernadette Tan BRONZE, El Cajon, California
Bernadette Tan BRONZE, El Cajon, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Creativity like a purring cat,
dozing beneath Summer's eye,
but writing comes all dull and matte,
clouds approaching nigh.
Creativity I try to bait,
but the problems I always dread,
and failure is a thing I hate,
with the fickle cat I try to lead.
Dragging the feline by its hair,
leading it through the darkness with a candle,
like the smoothness of a pear,
it becomes easier to handle.
Filled with anything but love,
the cat eventually consumes the dove.

The author's comments:
In my AP Literature class, our teacher has us write a sonnet about writing with the Shakespearean rhyme scheme providing only the end rhymes. There were many odd rhymes, but in the end, my team made it work. I actually liked what we had produced (in the 15 minutes we had to write!) and realized how relatable it is. With some tweaks to the original draft, I feel that this sonnet is a true embodiment of what many students feel when assigned essays, or articles, or any writing piece: the struggle to produce something coherent yet creative. When reading this poem, people must remember that even though writing is difficult, creativity always has a way to lead itself out of the initial confusion with the task of writing and with inspiration, can make something truly great happen.

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