Mirror, Mirror Goes Too Far | Teen Ink

Mirror, Mirror Goes Too Far

January 8, 2014
By TheGreatMustachio BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
TheGreatMustachio BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live every week like it's Shark Week" - Tracy Jordan
"Get busy living, or get busy dying." - Andy Dufresne

I look into the mir’r each time I wake.
I note a wink, a smile and head that tips.
Whoa, ho! My mirrored Self, for Heaven’s sake!
How awkward --at myself, my heart does flips!

Tis’ me you long to hold and out to make!
My image leans and beckons for a kiss.
How many hearts my mirrored self does break?
It beats lub-dud-dub-lub, a beat to miss.

Back off, Myself! This jest, it goes too far!
Me thinks, Myself, my heart thou should not toy!
I fancy girls --you should-- as me you are!
Remember, Me, you too are much a boy.

Good image, Mirrored Self, I have a plan.
Let’s catch a boat to Troy as quick we can!

The author's comments:
The Greek god Narcissus had quiet a thing for himself. There is a little bit of him in all of us. The genesis of this sonnet came from a little song that a friend of mine told me. "I love myself. I love myself. I love my hair. I love my chin. I love the skin I'm all wrapped in. I love myself." Enjoy.

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