The Windy City | Teen Ink

The Windy City

January 16, 2014
By Katelyn Coyle BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
Katelyn Coyle BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chicago, known as the wind city,
Is a place where I believe is very pretty.
From Wrigley Field to the Navy Pier,
It is the vacation my family takes once a year.
First we arrive at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
And see a panda play and eat bamboo.
Next, we take a ride on the speedy L- train,
Rather than walking, so we can not complain.
Then, we arrive at Pizzeria Uno,
Where they first created Chicago-style pizza a long time ago.
With a deep dish, and sauce on top,
We scarf it down along with a can of pop.
To the Chicago Cubs game in which we have seats,
I hope the Cubbies do not get beat.
It is now time for “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”,
And if you do not sing, it really is a shame.
For it is the bottom of the ninth inning and the Cubs are tied,
The ball and the bat then collide.
As the ball is struck hard and far,
The Cubs hit a homerun and that is bizarre.
We leave the stadium happy and filled with cheer,
Now we are off to the Navy Pier.
Where we ride the two hundred and sixty foot Ferris wheel,
With excitement, we can not help to squeal.
Next we arrive at the 18-hole course for mini putt,
But the gate and is padlocked and shut.
So, we decide to ride the Seadog boat,
Out onto Lake Michigan in which we stay afloat.
For dusk is setting and it is getting dark,
All of the sudden, we see a spark.
There are a bunch of fireworks lighting the sky,
It seems as if it was the Fourth of July.
We take a cruise back to the dock,
And realize the time is 11 o’clock.
Although the vacation in Chicago is at its end,
Chi-town is my favorite place, and a city I would recommend.

The author's comments:
I love the city of Chicago and it holds a special place in my heart because of the numerous family vacations I have taken there.

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