LIfe is like a peom | Teen Ink

LIfe is like a peom

January 6, 2014
By LifeA1234 BRONZE, San Diego, California
LifeA1234 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is like a poem,
So many possibilities,
Sometimes your just have to show ‘em,
All your abilities.

Whatever you set your mind to be,
Make sure it’s something you wanna do, and you let your imagination run free,
Any which way you choose, put your mind to it and you could be a prodigy,
However whatever you do make sure it has its moments of glee.

There are infinite amount of poems to be read,
Thus life is like a poem, so many possibilities to be what you desire,
Without choice in your life, you might as well be dead,
Any one of the many possibilities could be yours; you could even be in a choir.

Life is like a poem,
And in life you just got to show ‘em

The author's comments:
My made me do it for extra credit

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