Sonnet 2.0 | Teen Ink

Sonnet 2.0

December 8, 2013
By ebird2525 BRONZE, St Petersburg, Florida
ebird2525 BRONZE, St Petersburg, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Can I blame my lack of reality
On the facelessness of humanity
The fact that I’m behind tinted windows
That’s when no one but you can still see me
Is it accepted in society
To take something priceless and deem it free
More widely accepted it seems to me
My value I’ve declared never worthy
My face I’ve declared unpretty; dirty
Give it to any soul who in need be
And still my hearts pieces crave deep inward
To a self-assured stronghold that is me
My party, I can cry if I want to
What would make me cry but having not you?

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