Chemical Reaction | Teen Ink

Chemical Reaction

November 23, 2013
By tictactia BRONZE, Westport, Connecticut
tictactia BRONZE, Westport, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A chemical reaction, nothing more:
Mere hormones running rampant through our veins.
But, still, we focus on it and ignore
Whatever sense or logic that remains.
It causes pain and sorrow all around,
Regardless of the happiness once had.
When misery and dolefulness abound,
We still pursue the curse that makes us mad.
Delusion plagues our hearts, our minds betrayed.
And afterwards we certainly regret
The ignorant decisions that we made.
We swear that we are wiser now, and yet--
We never learn, and persevere to find
That once again, it's love that's left us blind.

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