sudden Turn | Teen Ink

sudden Turn

November 12, 2013
By Kayla98 SILVER, Kalispell, Montana
Kayla98 SILVER, Kalispell, Montana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

shall i compare thee to a peaceful night?

mysterious dark shades of grey in the sky

walking down the street of confusion, i see a light

and i will be the first to testify

i never saw this coming

blind to the beauty of your heart

i hear a faint humming

blossoming flower, chain reaction about to start

My eyes Are open Now

Please Stay Awhile

I am no Longer Broken

Thanks to Your beautiful Smile

Inside this red Safe zone of Love
Rising up and Up, so far Above

The author's comments:
This poem isn’t designed for a specific audience; anyone that has ever experienced any feeling of love, heart break, safeness, confusion, ect. should be able to relate in at least one way. I would like anyone who reads this to pull out the fact that everyone has pain and problems, and if you wait and open yourself to opportunities.

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