A Rebel's School Time Sadness | Teen Ink

A Rebel's School Time Sadness

October 10, 2013
By Candide Villard BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Candide Villard BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One check, two check, three check, four.
Red pens are a teachers galore.
One check, two check, three check, four.
X marks and minus signs hit us to the core.
One check, two check, three check, four.
Homework and test make me snore.
One check, two check, three check, four.
Looking at my grades is such a bore.
One check, two check, three check four.
I have enough homework, but they keep assigning more.
One check, two check, three check, four.
Being tired has become a chore.
One check, two check, three check, four.
All i can say about sleep is that i need more.

The author's comments:
Going through my second year of high school, I felt I should write about something most students could agree with.

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