Lover | Teen Ink


October 1, 2013
By Connor Landis BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
Connor Landis BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Struck by the wind in her long luscious hair
Seeing her held by the arms of a man
Watching as she gives me that unknown glare
Wanting to be crushed like a little can

Going to bed without felling her there
Knowing in your head that she can’t do wrong
Thinking how no one could take as good care
Why must I have to wait a lifetime long

I always see her on her morning walk
Looking straight at her in a plain daze
I am in too much shock to even talk
She sees me looking at her in a haze

All I can want is for her to love me
If I get that one chance she will just see

The author's comments:
I let that one girl slip away and this is about her.

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