Books | Teen Ink


September 19, 2013
By EmmaaKaitlynn BRONZE, North Hampton, Ohio
EmmaaKaitlynn BRONZE, North Hampton, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain.'

Horror, Fantasy, Romance, Mysteries
A new adventure within the pages
Novels, Sequels, Prequels, Biographies
Each manuscript presented on a stage
Of leather bounded binding, creating
A sequence of never ending stories.
Different characters, many settings
Cliffhangers leading to many worries
An abundance of combinations to
Pleasure the thoughts of numerous readers
Succeeding in finding inner nerds who
Bury themselves in bindings of leaders
Fiction or non or aright or astray
What story will you discover today?

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