When darkness come | Teen Ink

When darkness come

August 19, 2013
By bubbl3s27 BRONZE, New Plymouth, Other
bubbl3s27 BRONZE, New Plymouth, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Silently he rides in the dead of night,
Darkness as his only companion.
Blending into the night, he fades from sight,
He rides upon his mighty stallion.

His pitch black hair shining in the moon-light,
Dirt and scum blotched around his battered face
And all that see him bolt their doors in fright,
Fearing that he will come and end their grace.

Disappearing when the light comes to life,
He leaves only dust and shadows behind,
With the whispers of an eternal strife
And these whispers, they haunt all of mankind.

When the light inside your soul is fading,
and your faith is breaking, he is growing.

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