Love At First Sight | Teen Ink

Love At First Sight

July 27, 2013
By njoniaux BRONZE, Scott AFB, Illinois
njoniaux BRONZE, Scott AFB, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is a weapon, filled with passion
Leaking blood, Darling, you're my devotion
Be with me, I'll treat you with compassion
just don't cry more than the upset Ocean

Gentle! I'm trying to relax, quiet!
Don't get the Machete, play nice Darling
Don't mess with me, I'll make you my diet
I'll be kind if you stop, and quit snarling

I think it's time for you to leave right now
You're acting crazy, I'm not thrilled with you
You've changed a lot, so how about "Chow Chow"!
What in the world has this country come to?

Now finally, she is gone from my sight!
She's real lucky I'm having one good night.

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