The Blackest Cat | Teen Ink

The Blackest Cat

July 14, 2013
By DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
DriftingFeathers SILVER, Lake Stevens, Washington
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't take life too seriously, no one ever makes it out alive anyway.

Do you dare saunter passed the blackest cat?
Whose tail and paws are colored midnight shades?
Who stares with the beady eyes of a rat?
Whose growl’s as silent as the great cascades?

Did you wish upon that bright midnight star?
For your worst nightmares to become the truth?
“The dreams and shadows are all that you are.”
Your faithful chant to the cat’s claw and tooth

You know it is real, why not just give in?
You know you’re only lying to yourself
Soon the blood leaks and the pain will begin
Another dead ghost on the black cat’s shelf

What is done has been done and that is that
Do you dare saunter passed the blackest cat?

The author's comments:
Poem for a creative writing class :) Had a lot of fun with this

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