La Luna | Teen Ink

La Luna

June 28, 2013
By heatherstewart7 BRONZE, Whitby, Other
heatherstewart7 BRONZE, Whitby, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some people are beautiful. Not in looks. Not in what they say. Just in what they are" - Markus Zusak

My heavy heart weeps the saddest of tears,
It longs for the warmth of his soul and touch,
I can no longer ignore all my fears,
That distance will tear him out of my clutch.
We travel in circles through dark and day,
Separated by both distance and time,
I am lonely and forever away
From my darling Sol, who makes my heart chime.
I was trapped by the dark – no way to flee,
But he taught me to dance and love the night,
Showed me how beautiful our love could be,
I can’t lose the feeling of love’s delight.
I need and love him – I won’t let him go,
For distance means nothing where true love grows.

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