Let Freedom Rise | Teen Ink

Let Freedom Rise

May 19, 2013
By Msmith BRONZE, Rhome, Texas
Msmith BRONZE, Rhome, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let Freedom Rise

Twelve years ago there stood two towers
They stood very high with great strength and sight
Until evil foes brought down all of their might.
For their ending came in less than two hours
But evil cannot take or destroy what is ours
We let Freedom rise, soar to a bigger height
And take back our skyline, to illuminate the night.
Now Freedom is ready to fight with all its powers.

I look to the past, see the world that I knew

I will never forget the day those lives were lost
I will remember that ashen falling view
But now we let freedom rise for me and you.
Always keeping in mind what that right cost.
Now we see the tower rise in hope of a new.

Sonnet - Italian
Current Event: Freedom Tower

The author's comments:
"Let Freedom Rise" is a poem about the rising of The Freedom Tower or "the new world trade center building." On September 11, 2001 over 3,000 people lost there lives, and we as the American people can never forget that dreadful day. On that Tuesday, I was five years old, flying with my family on vacation. It could of been my plane. It could of been my family. It could of been anyone. And everyday I thank God that it was not. But we should never forget those who lost and gave their lives on that day. Because they are the heroes, they are the reason freedom rise today.

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