Coffee Cups and Sunshine | Teen Ink

Coffee Cups and Sunshine

May 18, 2013
By RainOfAsh BRONZE, Lexington Park, Maryland
RainOfAsh BRONZE, Lexington Park, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.


Coffee cup, my coffee cup I love thee,
You fill me up with caffeinated tea.
You are the sunshine that starts my morning,
And wakes me from my moment’s forlorning.
You certainly are what brightens my days
When the clouds obscure all of the sun’s rays.
And when the moon replaces the sun I
Hold your handle like the hand of a guy.
As the sun travels in the vast blue sky
I turn to coffee to keep me awake.
And in the cold, the time for cocoa is neigh,
And of course there is always room for cake.
You will always be the one I turn to
For my daily dose of that special brew.

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