Consciousness of Thought | Teen Ink

Consciousness of Thought

May 9, 2013
By KelBell BRONZE, Beebe, Arkansas
KelBell BRONZE, Beebe, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The mind is like an old thick and bound tome,
Filled up with plain prose that is picked with care.
Some of the words choose to actively roam,
While some others decide which socks make a pair.
Brilliant minds are always pondering life,
With their everlasting curiousness.
Oftentimes one will encounter new strife,
And they will be forced to make a guess.
Barreling through uncertainty seems best,
But one must be very careful with decisions;
As they can lead up to one's final rest,
By a course of many minute incisions.

So when you are notioning about thought,

Know that many answers are being sought.

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