Jealous Lover | Teen Ink

Jealous Lover

March 24, 2013
By Michelle Altice BRONZE, San Diego, California
Michelle Altice BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take away all of my love. Please, take it all.
It turns my world around and askew.

It does nothing good but make me fall,
Deeper and deeper in love with you.
But the love I want I cannot have,
For he belongs to another.
I see them kiss, and play, and laugh,
And dance in the wind, as swift as a feather.
Get rid of the pain and all of the sorrow.
I ache whenever I see this couple.
But maybe someday, maybe tomorrow,
The pain will be gone along with the trouble.
Even though it may kill me, I will not intrude,
But in all honesty, I’m in love with this dude.

The author's comments:
I hope the people that read this can relate to it and see the emotion I had when I wrote this.

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