And if, for thee, mine words could be a song | Teen Ink

And if, for thee, mine words could be a song

March 18, 2013
By Anonymous

And if, for thee, mine words could be a song,
I’d sing a tune thine heart wouldst beg to hear
Since for thy constant beat my soul doth longs,
To me, thy love, though much, is not so near
And yet, My heart to thee I dost bequeath
Though that thy feels the same way, not I trow
Until the flames of hopeless passion cease,
Whither thou shalt goest, I too shall go.
Thy harmony, though, rings in perfect key
And me! Dost I durst dream to sound as thee?
Yet one look in thine eyes and I have found
That need I not to fear of heaven’s spawn
Thou too art lost within the divine sound
So let the band of love play on and on.

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