Autumn | Teen Ink


March 4, 2013
By Anonymous

Crackling leaves crush under my cozy boots.
A waft of cool air strokes my sleek, soft hair,
The drafty wind whistles as the owl hoots,
The smell of sweet pumpkin spice fills the air,
Untouched amber leaves soar from limb to ground,
Squirrels scuttle and dash feeling the cold,
Leaves with stains of golden brown all surround,
Winds sweep away the leaves all rich and bold,
The sturdy birds surface the mid-night sky,
They break the silence of the dreary night,
Kitchens filled with sweet scrumptious apple pie,
Crisp air immerses the darkness with light,
As we stand amongst the breeze we will see,
There is a lingering old maple tree.

The author's comments:
I like nature.

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