Heart | Teen Ink


January 16, 2013
By Sassy13 BRONZE, Oakland Township, Michigan
Sassy13 BRONZE, Oakland Township, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My head is full of so much desire.
My heart begins to flutter,
Enclosed in so much barbed wire.
Not sure how much my heart can take.

I don't think a heart can take so much flutter.
A voice like his is pure adorable.
We begin to talk.
We stutter.
It seems we both sound so deplorable.

He ever so softly takes my hand,
Places a kiss upon my lips.
We began to take our last stand.
His hands upon my hips.

Together we take our very last breath.
We take our sudden death.

The author's comments:
I really enjoy reading Romantic poetry. I was inspired to write this piece from my poetry teacher.

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