I Come | Teen Ink

I Come

January 8, 2013
By Drew Kulak BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
Drew Kulak BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The man is cold, he walks and death follows
I ride forth before him to warn and flee
When innocent run, their fear, he swallows
To those I travel to answer their plea

He stops for not, he listens to no one
The helpless cry, "mercy!" none is given
I leave it behind me, to you I run
Of not sorrow but love I am driven

Wait for me and do not fret for I go
The one who follows me cannot keep pace
He comes with despair I run with a glow
He is relentless and hinders my race

I come my love for you and you alone
He disheartens but, my love, is set, stone

The author's comments:
I was doing this as a school project and figured that there was no harm in posting it. Hope you enjoy.

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