Almost My Time | Teen Ink

Almost My Time

November 21, 2012
By Youve_Been_Erased BRONZE, Dover, Delaware
Youve_Been_Erased BRONZE, Dover, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To write or not to write. That is the real question."

The fascination of my red stained wrists,
Of the blood red line that silver blade makes.
A deep gash of blood which satisfies me,
And of the snippet of life which time takes.

The clock ticks away, it's almost my time.
I nearly hesitate, but time can't stop.
My life before my eyes; a silent chime.
I don't regret a thing as my heart drops.

The day turns to night. I become nothing.
I fall into a black abyss; its dark.
My body falls down, I wasn't bluffing;
As it hits the ground; see my bloody smirk.

The cruelness of life; I can't make the climb.
The clock ticks away, it's almost my time.

The author's comments:
I had lost my best friend to suicide. I won't let their voice go unheard. I've had urges to harm myself before but I overcame them. I guess it wasn't the same for my friend...

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