The Hit | Teen Ink

The Hit

December 9, 2012
By Greg Brown BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Greg Brown BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am nervous as I make my way to the plate.
The pitcher is motionless as he stares me down.
I know my at- bat will be great.
I just hope I don’t hit it on the ground.

Putting one foot into the box, I look for the sign.
My teammates are yelling and shouting for me.
Coach Sean gives it to me, taking his time.
Bid wants me to hit it past the tree.

Instincts take over and I step in.
The pitcher nods then comes set with a grin.
Little does he know, I’m about to put on a show.

The ball is released and contact is made.
Sadness sets in for the Knights because they have been out played.
My hit is now a homerun, there it goes.

The author's comments:
This is a description of one of my homeruns!

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