I'll Miss You, Mommy. | Teen Ink

I'll Miss You, Mommy.

November 11, 2012
By Anonymous

I miss you mommy
Where did you go?
You're just lying there
And moving kind of slow

Your eyes are hollow
Your body bare
I want to hug you
But there's no one there

Your lips are pale
My cheeks are wet
Your chest isn't rising
I feel upset

Momma, where are you?
It's been very long
They dressed you in black today
And sang a sad song

Daddy misses you, momma
He cries at night
Are you mad at him, momma?
Did you have a fight?

The house feels kind of empty
Without your toothsome voice
Aunty and uncle say it was God's will
They say it was his choice.

It's been a year now
You haven't come around
My crooked little smile
Has turned into a frown

I lost two teeth
And got new clothes
I visited your grave last week
I gave you a rose.

Momma I need you
I've matured very quickly
I remember just a year ago
You looked quite sickly.

I lie on your bed
With tears in my eyes
Smelling your soul,
I wipe my face dry

I kneel down
My hands in a clasp
I begin to pray
And try not to gasp.

The author's comments:
I've always had these nightmares where my mother was gone, not dead, but gone. I decided that I wanted to write what I felt in the dream into a poem.

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