Love vs. Hate | Teen Ink

Love vs. Hate

October 16, 2010
By Anonymous

It takes the most love in order to hate.
I never imagine this could be true,
I use to think that you were the most great.
But then it was made clear what you can do.
It isn't my fault, that I now hate you.
Thought you were an honorable man. NO!
There has to be others that hate you too
.We are tired, so do us a favor. GO!
Why she stays with you I can only guess.
You bring nothing but pain, hurt and sorrow.
To put up with you, I can do my best.
Want to give you my morals to borrow.
Sick of you hurting my mom like you do.
It takes all my love so I may hate you.

The author's comments:
I really love to write sonnets and I didn't wanna do a traditional love sonnet this time around so I did the opposite.

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