Beyond Life | Teen Ink

Beyond Life

April 19, 2010
By Paradise16 SILVER, Tampa, Florida
Paradise16 SILVER, Tampa, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The grains of sand within an hourglass fall,
the last dwindles as if the world itself is frozen.
the soul is tempted by the angels call,
a journey to heaven fate has chosen.

eyes flutter shut in a pallid face
and lips turn to ice with a broken sigh.
It's time to find that sacred place,
a shrouded haven in the sky.

imagine fields of scented grass
and blossoms that never wilt.
the water clear as the finest glass
and a sun as bright as a golden hilt.

the end of life brings with it hope
a dream, a wish, beyond our scope

The author's comments:
I wish that the end were only the beginning and that what we on Earth mourn, is actually a joyful journey.

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