Morning Melody | Teen Ink

Morning Melody

June 11, 2024
By Usman6700 GOLD, Panjgoor, Balochistan., Other
Usman6700 GOLD, Panjgoor, Balochistan., Other
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein

In dawn’s embrace, the world anew,

A symphony of morning dew,

The birds awake, their voices bright,

They sing to greet the soft sunlight.


Each chirp, a note of pure delight,

In chorus, they dispel the night,

Their melodies, so clear and sweet,

A morning song, the day to greet.


Among the trees, their echoes dance,

In branches high, they take their chance,

To fill the air with joyous sound,

In nature’s choir, they’re unbound.


The sparrow’s trill, the robin’s cheer,

A concert for the waking ear,

The world, it stirs, to life’s sweet song,

As birds in harmony belong.


With every chirp, the morning sings,

Of new beginnings, hope it brings,

A symphony of feathered friends,

In dawn’s embrace, the music blends.

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