Fractals | Teen Ink

Fractals MAG

February 18, 2024
By skzwgc BRONZE, Mineola, New York
skzwgc BRONZE, Mineola, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In chaos' dance, where nothing seems to rhyme,
Fractal threads emerge, weaving tales profound,
Nature's brushstrokes, a rhythm so sublime,
In every swirl, a pattern can be found.

From branches reaching to rivers that flow,
Each twist a whisper of a hidden rule,
In every storm, a harmony does show,
In every chaos, there's a quiet jewel.

Through fractal lens, the world unveils its art,
The dance of shapes, both humble and grand,
In every leaf, a masterpiece's start,
In every cloud, a story close at hand.

So let us find peace in chaos' embrace,
For in its chaos, order finds its place.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem about Fractal Geometry, a branch of Math. Math is not something people generally find beauty in, but Fractals are beautiful patterns that we find in all aspects of life. A Fractal is a shape that repeats forever, with every part of the Fractal being strikingly like the whole image. So, next time you are taking a walk in the park, maybe you can take notice to the Fractals around you.

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