Losing Friends: An Inevitable Experience | Teen Ink

Losing Friends: An Inevitable Experience

October 26, 2023
By Anonymous

I had a BFF; my other half.

I knew her like the inside of my heart.

We dreamed together; in our futures we laugh.

It hurts to think about her, far far apart,

From me, not her other friends; my soul feels 

Bitter - a betrayal, though I know it’s not. 

We just drifted… I don’t know how she deals

With the pain, maybe she has none. I fought

To keep her by my side; texting, I called -

But my soul shattered, cause’ she never replied.

Ghosted--not a single sign she saw, listened.

Effort came from only my side; I tried.

I tell myself, “it’s the end… she’s moved on”

But I still dream of her; the spark hasn’t gone.

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