Conversation II | Teen Ink

Conversation II

September 11, 2023
By stormystormyy BRONZE, Burbank, California
stormystormyy BRONZE, Burbank, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“What did you write in the letter?"

Frog said, "I wrote 'Dear Toad, I am glad that you are my best friend.

Your best friend, Frog.'

"Oh, said Toad, "that makes a very good letter.”

I’m sorry can’t you see? I swear this time.

It’s genuine, sweetheart. You know it’s real.

Come on honey, you know it's not much. We’ll-

We’ll call it a date, run out the daytime.

I love you, you know? With all of my heart.

Gorgeous, long hair, sorry for hands rougher

Tougher than should be; acid no buffer.

You won’t go. Little girl, no place to start.

Sweet talk. Convictions waver before me

You crumple in my fingers, paper wet.

Dry paper sees lines, lines of mosaics

Shards sharp; colors bright. You’ve never been free

I’ll love you now, do it right, won’t forget.

I know you now,  you wouldn’t dare touch Styx.

The author's comments:

This is the companion piece to Conversation I, another sonnet written from the other partner's point of view. Conversation I was written from my emotions regarding my dad and ex, and their concerning amount of problematic behaviors.

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