Conversation I | Teen Ink

Conversation I

September 11, 2023
By stormystormyy BRONZE, Burbank, California
stormystormyy BRONZE, Burbank, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“What did you write in the letter?"

Frog said, "I wrote 'Dear Toad, I am glad that you are my best friend.

Your best friend, Frog.'

"Oh, said Toad, "that makes a very good letter.”

Your pity makes naught a difference, your ‘woe’.

Sadistic you watch them, keep your rotgut.

Empathetic lack incenses me. But,

an attractive threat, transparently so.

Your thrall is apparent: all I can do-

‘I’m sorry’ you simper, saccharine sweet

Its okay, but please no more hits to greet

Just want this with you, no black nor the blue

Scarlet, azul on a beat-up paintbrush.

Paint me new unbroken lines or maybe

don’t. Don’t paint them. Please don't draw me new veins

A new place you cut through. Cerise would rush,

flush all of my tears and fears and-  Baby,

Would you want that? ‘Stead of in your chains?

The author's comments:

This sonnet is a combination of my emotions regarding my father and regarding my ex. There's a lot of overlap there, and the contrasts were interesting to use in the poem. It's a plea to let go, and a diatribe with the behaviors the speaker has suffered.

This is the first part of a two poem piece, where the speakers are having a conversation. This speaker is the battered or 'unproblematic' partner, while the other is abusive or 'problematic'. 

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