Chastity | Teen Ink


June 15, 2023
By lmorris20 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
lmorris20 BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The strange woman crawls out of her cavern,

untouched by sunlight, hair like a dog-hound,

Her body hunched over, beaten, tattered,

The eye of the molten monster stares down,

Her eyes stare back filled with the sun's patterns,

The still, blank, trees decorated by dawn,

Watch in anticipation, eyes scattered,

Amongst the woodland, intimately drawn,

To the mystical being of hazard,

Awaiting for her next victim to spawn,

She walks through the shrubbery, steps staggered,

Approaching a white and beautiful swan,

She sinks her teeth into its white feathers,

The once pure swan now tainted by pleasure. 

The author's comments:

My name is Lauren Morris and I am a senior in high school. I am into visual arts, model making, and creative writing. In this piece, I wanted to incorporate the elements of the natural world and darker tones and scenes. The teachings and writings of Thoreau inspired me with this piece as well as Slavic folklore, more specifically, the one of Baba Jaga. 

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