Desires | Teen Ink


December 24, 2022
By Taili GOLD, Lexington, Massachusetts
Taili GOLD, Lexington, Massachusetts
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I want to smell the scent of sweet roses

and feel the aurora of summer days. 

I want to see stars the night exposes

and observe vibrant fireworks set ablaze.


And I want to gaze at the northern lights

and watch shooting stars descend from the sky.

And I want to follow the butterflies

to the caves where the songs I sing reply.

I want to wander in hanging gardens, 

surround myself with long vines, and swing through

cool waterfalls. And when the sky darkens,   

glimpse at the world I have fallen into. 

I want to spend all day and night dreaming,

live in fantasies, and never discover my true meaning.

The author's comments:

Inspired by my lack of motivation and endless desires. May everyone achieve their dreams. 

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