Ode to bowling ball | Teen Ink

Ode to bowling ball

February 4, 2022
By Anonymous

The CRASHING sound from the pins, like a stampede 

Of a rhino running through the bearin wasteland, the feeling of the release 

Throwing my troubles down the 40 feet ravine.

Those smug trees teasing me, “haha your not good enough”, 

I’ll prove them wrong, I’ll show you. The speed is picking up,

Can hear the rumbling of the rhino's feet, causing fear, doubt, preparing for failure. 10 more feet, 5 more seconds, this is it

The moment we’ve been waiting for.

Boom STRIKE!!!

That’s one

This is it, we’re in the endgame now

2 more tries to get that perfect game, almost there

Here it goes like a raging bull BOOM!!!

That’s Two

One more try, that sweat in my hands when I held you in my hands

The trust we built together for 4 long years

Your blue and black, like a bruised on someone’s arm

But it’s not a bruise, it’s a scar for you.

We could have had the 300.

But that’s fine 290 works too 🤷‍♂️

The author's comments:

Like bowling and music and video games

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