Recall Fades | Teen Ink

Recall Fades

January 19, 2022
By hayleyjade410 BRONZE, Benton, Louisiana
hayleyjade410 BRONZE, Benton, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember before spring break, 

the world was at ease;

suddenly our lives at stake,

rapidly stealing world peace;

my memories start to drift;

Will I remember if the world was brighter?

before the world took shift;

Will I remember the sun was lighter?

will the world still be growing,

or will life on earth decay?

can people bare life knowing,

they may not see the next day?

can we confine memories made,

Or will time make recall fade?

The author's comments:

My name is Hayley. I have been writing since i was hardly 9 years old. I've always written all kinds of genres as a coping mechanism. My dad is the one who inspired me to write, when he was young, he would write lyrics. I started writing lyrics, but then i leaned more towards poetry. It will always be a tie between the two, but i love writing. 

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