Duality | Teen Ink


May 25, 2019
By artisticdownpour BRONZE, Spencerport, New York
artisticdownpour BRONZE, Spencerport, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So oft doth love be blindly thrown into

An endless savage cycle of deceit,

For thyself the results are still askew.

Wherefore it ofttimes is so bittersweet?

Although I knoweth not what love entails,

I have watched it play from foreign sections.

Love shackles and secures privy curtails,

And it demands unceasing affection.

Hark now, I need not plague love’s risky name.

Its beaming rays consume the darkness, for

Thine eyes burning a passionate flame.

As lone emits a transcending uproar,

It is attraction; it is repulsion.

At once, it is everything and nothing.

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