He rode in on a brown and blonde mammal | Teen Ink

He rode in on a brown and blonde mammal

May 21, 2019
By Anonymous

He rode in on a brown and blonde mammal

It had ironshoes that fit him perfectly.

There where many people standing underneath him

Almost like they had orchestrated it.

He went to the saloon saw many people

It's almost like they never stopped coming.

He had something in his mouth

It was pink and he used it to lick the rim of his soda.

He went to the library and found a case full of books

He was perplexed for he did not know what to call it.

He smelt the cheese in the air

He followed the stench all the way

To find a pie filled with cheese and pepperoni.

He found a man fiddling with a cube

The cube had many different colors

The man gave up and started to peel off the stickers.

He went to the court saw some kids playing ball

He asked them if he could join in

He didn’t know what to call the game where he out the ball in the basket.

He finally rode off and found a man playing yahtzee with a 6 sided cube

He took one for his troubles and named it a d6.

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