Where Peace Is Found | Teen Ink

Where Peace Is Found

May 16, 2019
By abbyastanin BRONZE, Eagle Creek, Oregon
abbyastanin BRONZE, Eagle Creek, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She closes her eyes, and hopes to find peace

The girl in her mind stopped dancing with joy

Her thought process constant, the tears increase

The brightest of days, a rose can’t enjoy

Unknown where to search, her questions unresolved

She asks why she can’t feel peace in this nonce

A whisper, “Your cerebrations revolved”

She thanked The Lord for His loving response

She knows this truth, told by her Renewer

That peace is from God, the Giver Of Life

Jesus, her loving savior, lives in her

Jesus steps in and makes dead peace, revive

Jesus healed the pile of shattered pieces

Jesus showed me where all of the peace  

The author's comments:

This poem is about a girl yearning for peace in a time of hardship. When Jesus enters the picture, her world is changed. The girl in this poem has her eyes opened to the truth that Jesus is her peace. The poem starts with a broken girl and ends with a whole one, all thanks to Jesus. 

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