Infidelity | Teen Ink


May 15, 2019
By lesliearri0914 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
lesliearri0914 BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thy the bad seed messing up other plants

Can’t fight temptation though it makes thee sick

Thou’s love leads to broken marriage and rants

No matter how happy, thee hates the trick

She’s the weekend while wife is nine to twelve

Wife takes Monday- Friday then he is off

Thee can’t help sticking around for the dive

For she is hard headed but for him soft

She’s a larch with a hard exterior

But can’t fight the love thou feels inside her

Needs to be with him, passing barriers

Is never able to say no, just sure

Infidelity is messy

No matter the love, it’s never pretty.

The author's comments:

Hello, my name is Leslie Arriaga. This piece was inspired by the song The Weekend by Sza. The song is about a female being a part of infidelity and being okay with it as long as she can be with the man she is in love with. Due to growing up and being in relationships, teenagers go through this too and it is important for us to know that cheating is not okay. Thank you for taking the time to read this story and I hope you enjoy.

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