One in a Million | Teen Ink

One in a Million

April 19, 2019
By julia_b BRONZE, San Diego, California
julia_b BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I see you in the hallways every day   

One glance at you and my world breaks in two  

As the bell rings you go to class and obey     

Just waiting for the day when it’s just me and you.      

Your smile lights my world all the time     

The way you teach me makes me gleam     

You make me wonder how your words shine    

To me you are more than what you seem.   

I wish I could tell you this now     

So I lock my mouth and throw the key      

I want to be more than friends, but how?     

If I spill the tea too early or too late, you’ll be fleeing away like a bee.    

For now I’ll keep my mouth shut and stay             

You may not know this, but I think you’re bae.     

The author's comments:

This poem expressed how it feels like for a guy who knows you exist but doesn't know you like him and the feelings this gives you. This is seen through a day in the life with him

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