A World Forgotten by Man | Teen Ink

A World Forgotten by Man

April 19, 2019
By epfiffner BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
epfiffner BRONZE, Spokane, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is nothing but a thing,  
It’s only when we lose it, do we truly appreciate it. 
We would rather spend our time in a digital world than sit outside for just one second, 
More often than not, do we destroy the life that’s been given to us, 
Jars and jars of tiny capsules, or colorful liquid, 
Are used to suppress the pain that we’ve inflicted on ourselves. 
We are influenced by a world that doesn’t even exist, but only in our heads, 
Time is spent more on what’s on the outside than what’s on the inside, 
And it has left us blind to what really goes on in the natural world. 
Concern and worry are wasted on things that will never have value to a person’s life, 
We have, however, made progress up the ladder from our fall from grace, 
But not enough to be proud of, 
And we will never truly reach what seems like the tunnel that never ends. 
Because, selfishness is the only true way to live in a world forgotten by man. 

The author's comments:

This poem was based on my mother's death.

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